北愛爾蘭旅遊攻略。巨人堤道/鐵達尼博物館/貝爾法斯特/高空繩索吊橋。必去景點推薦。TOP ATTRACTIONS IN North Ireland






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#北愛爾蘭 非常特別的 local tour。Black Taxi Tour Belfast 讓你走入被掩蓋多年的真實事件
有名的 #貝爾法斯特黑色出租車之旅,在90分鐘的壁畫之旅中,它帶我們從東到西,從北到南,他們通過非常詳細的政治壁畫來講述北愛爾蘭衝突故事。所有的司機都是經歷過流血事件,所以透過他們自己的經歷讓我們可以更深入了解這一切的背後歷史。

The Original Black Taxi Tour Belfast show us the tapestry of political murals that tell the story of the conflict in Northern Ireland. In 90-minute mural tours, it will take you from east to west, north to south taking in both sides of the community and how they depicted their war efforts through amazingly detailed murals. Our driver has lived through the bloodshed and give us an insight into the history behind it all and his own experiences living through it.




跟著女攝影師遊 #愛爾蘭 #Ireland #鐵達尼博物館 #景點推薦


鐵達尼號博物館位於北愛爾蘭的首都貝爾法斯特 (Belfast),雖然它位於北愛爾蘭,但隸屬英國,所以用的貨幣是英磅。樓高六層的它是世界上其中一座最大的博物館。20世紀初期,貝爾法斯特是造船工業堪稱全世界產量之首,鐵達尼號就在此建造,從建造、船行、沉船後續教援過程都能在博物館中了解。

#Titanic #Belfast is the world's largest Titanic visitor experience to explore the Titanic story.
It is a visitor attraction opened in 2012, a monument to Belfast's maritime heritage on the site of the former Harland & Wolff shipyard in the city's Titanic Quarter where the RMS Titanic was built.
The building's design is intended to reflect Belfast's history of ship making and the industrial legacy bequeathed by Harland & Wolff. Its angular form recalls the shape of ships' prows, with its main "prow" angled down the middle of the Titanic and Olympic slipways towards the River Lagan.
It stands 126 feet high, the same height as Titanic's hull.

地址: 1 Olympic Way, Queen's Road BT3 9EP, Belfast, North Ireland

開放時間: 8:30-19:00 (月份不同開放時間會有所調整,請見官網)

票價: 19英鎊 (學生票15.5英鎊 / 5歲以下孩童免費)

交通: 從貝爾法斯特徒步25分鐘左右 / 大眾運輸可搭乘 Translink operate Metro Services 26, 26A, 26B, 26C from Belfast City Centre

National Trust Carrick-a-Rede 此座吊橋是1755年捕鮭魚的漁夫們建立的
Carrick-a-Rede one of Northern Ireland’s most loved attractions in Northern Ireland, cared for by the National Trust, a registered conservation charity founded to protect beautiful and special places for ever, for everyone.

Connected to the cliffs by a rope bridge across the Atlantic Ocean, Carrick-a-Rede Island (home to a single building - a fisherman's cottage) is the final destination. Suspended almost 100ft (30m) above sea level, the rope bridge was first erected by salmon fishermen 350 years ago

Crossing the Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge is an exhilarating experience, high above the water and open to the elements. Thousands of people come every year to blow out the cobwebs, see beautiful coastal scenery, and spot rare wildlife. Pre-booking is essential. We limit the number of people who can cross the bridge in any given hour.

The Grand Causeway is the largest of three rock outcrops which make up the Giant's Causeway. These collections of curious columns contributed to the causeway being designated Northern Ireland's only World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986.

The Giants Causeway comprises around 40,000 thousands of mostly hexagonal basalt columns descending gently into the sea. Depending on who you believe, the stones were formed either by an underwater volcano’s geological actions or by a giant named Finn McCool, who lived and battled along the north Antrim Coast.

跟著攝影師 Toto Kuo遊 #愛爾蘭

#巨人堤道 #GiantsCauseway 位於北愛爾蘭貝爾法斯特西北約80公里處大西洋海岸。由總計約4萬根六角形石柱組成8公里的海岸。石柱連綿有序,呈階梯狀延伸入海。 巨人堤道被認為是古新世時火山噴發後熔岩冷卻凝固而形成的,並在1986年被列為世界自然遺產。


「巨人堤道和海岸(Giant's Causeway and Causeway Coast)」位於北愛爾蘭的安特里姆高原(Antrim plateau)海岸的玄武岩峭壁底部,約在5000到6000萬年前火山噴發形成。4萬個黑色玄武岩巨型石柱從峭壁底部一直延伸到大海,獨特的地貌不但推進人們在地質學上的研究,也成為人們的旅遊愛好地。300年以前,巨人堤道海岸就是熱門的觀光景點,不時出現在北愛爾蘭的文學藝術作品中,至今人氣不墜。

The Giant’s Causeway, sitting at the northern end, takes centrepiece as the crown’s unique jewel, known as the 8th Wonder of the World to many here in Ireland and beyond. The famous jagged promontory of around 40,000 neatly packed columns of hexagonal volcanic basalt columns created some 6 million years ago by a basaltic lava flow.

The Giant’s Causeway is a place where myth and science meet. Were the spectacular basalt columns formed through the rapid cooling of lava from an underwater volcano, or, as some may say, created by the legendary mythical Irish Giant Finn MacCool?



如今沿著北愛爾蘭海岸線的數公里迎風面成為觀測這種奇特地形的最佳地點,更因為當地流傳的神話故事將這裡取名為巨人堤道(Giants Causeway)。


「巨人堤道」這個名字源自於民間傳說,相傳巨人堤道由愛爾蘭巨人芬恩‧麥庫爾(Finn McCool)建造,一位蘇格蘭巨人登納爾(Benandonner)主張愛爾蘭島歸屬於他,激怒了芬恩,他在大怒之下將巨石頭投向安特里姆海岸,意外激發他的靈感,決定利用巨石建造一條跨海橋梁直通往蘇格蘭的斯塔法島(Isle of Staffa),就可以和對手戰鬥,進行愛爾蘭歸屬的命運之戰。



巨人堤道(Giants Causeway)開放時間:

每年3~6、9~10月 09:00~18:00

每年7~8月 09:00~19:00

每年11~2月 09:00~17:00(聖誕節期間休息)

 巨人堤道(Giants Causeway)門票:







All photos by Toto Kuo

Wedding Photography / Santorini Photo Tour
歐洲婚紗 / 蜜月側拍 / 聖托里尼旅拍

email : toto11046179@gmail.com
WeChat ID : totokuophoto
Line ID : toto1104
