希臘小島旅遊攻略。跟著攝影師 TOTO KUO 遊柯斯島。必去景點推薦 GREEK ISLAND。Kos。BEST SHOOTING SPOTS





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第8個島 - Kos 柯斯島


Kos is the third biggest Greek islands of the Dodecanese island group and a place that has it all! Sandy beaches, amazing places for sightseeing, palm trees. 
Geographically located between Kalymnos and Nisyros.

Kos is the second most popular island of Dodecanese, after Rhodes. Known for its historical sites, beautiful beaches, and lush vegetation, Cos is visited by almost 1 million tourists every year!

One of the best things to do in Kos is cycling. It’s not a surprise that the island is also known as the “Cycling island”, as bicycling is a very popular means of transportation. There’s also a 13 km long cycling road, ideal for bike strolls, starting from Faros beach and ending at Psalidi beach! Apart from the cycling road, there are many mountain cycling trails, ideal for cycling in nature!

Recommend to take one day boat trip
3 ISLAND CRUISE will take you to a unique short cruise at the nearby islands of Kalymnos, Plati and Pserimos.

First stop is Vathi, a beautiful village on the island Kalymnos. The boat enters a magnificent natural fjord and as the valley of Vathi is slowly revealed.

The Roman Odeon was constructed in the 2nd century BC and it has been very well preserved. It used to host crowds of people that gathered to watch fights between prisoners as it happened in the Colosseum of Ancient Rome.

Kos has a 5,000 years long history and has been influenced by many cultures, such as the Romans, the Venetians, the medieval Knights, and the Ottomans. Sightseeing is one of the best things to do in Kos. The most important of them is Asklepieion, one of the top holistic healing centers of the ancient world, which followed the medical guidelines of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. Other sights worth visiting in Kos are its churches, Neratzia medieval castle, the ancient Greek Agora, and Antimachia Castle.

The Hellenistic Gymnasium is part of a complex of the Hellenistic and Roman periods that also includes the Acropoli, the Hippodrome, the Nymphaeum a very elaborated structure dating from the 3rd century BC, as well as the ruins of the temples of Aphrodite and Hercules

Ancient Agora includes the remains of the ancient town of Kos. It is located close to the harbor. The ancient town had ample streets, sanctuaries, a stadium, gymnasium, and other settlements.


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