希臘小島旅遊攻略。跟著攝影師 TOTO KUO 遊伊奧斯島。必去景點推薦 GREEK ISLAND。Ios 。BEST SHOOTING SPOTS





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Odysseas Elytis Theatre | This open theatre close to Chora was named after the Nobel-winner Greek poet, Odysseas Elytis. Many cultural events on Ios, such as music concerts, theatre festivals and performances in summer take place there. This was the favorite spot of Elytis on Ios because of the breathtaking view it offers.

The windmills on a hill above Chora are not in use today. However, they have been restored today and stand today as samples of traditional Cycladic architecture.

第10個島 - Ios 伊奧斯

Ios is a Cycladic island sitting in the heart of the Aegean Sea. It is popular among the youth as one of the top party Greek islands.
Boasting the typical seductive Cycladic landscape, Ios Greece is easily accessible via ferry, has tiny whitewashed houses, narrow cobblestone alleys, picturesque clifftop villages and, of course, mesmerizing Ios beaches. 

#PanagiaGremiotissa教堂 - Ios島上的熱點和最美麗的地方之一。在希臘語中,教會的名字意味著崩潰。原因是教堂豎立了三次,每次都倒塌,直到它建在最高的hora山頂上。
#藍旗海灘 - 是由在歐洲環境保護教育協會頒發的,是被廣為認可的生態標誌,授予藍旗的海灘必須通過水質、環境信息和教育、環境管理、安全和服務等4個方面共27項標準的考核,其中IOS小島就有4個。

Mylopotas beach | Long and sandy, this beach offers many tourism facilities and has a lot of beach bars along the coast. This is the most popular beach on Ios.

Ios is one of the most popular destinations in Greece, attracting thousands of tourists from all over the world. Mainly famous for the vivid Ios nightlife, the island is known as one of the best party islands in Greece! Indeed, the Ios party scene isn’t just about the epic Ios clubs and bars. It is a way of life.
It is considered as the queen of young tourists, due to its vivid nightlife. Day and night, the capital village becomes the center of entertainment where young people from all over the world enjoy the famous Ios nights.

Panagia Gremiotissa | The church of Virgin Mary Gremiotissa is the trademark of the island. It stands on a high hill above Chora and distinguishes for the palm tree on its side.

Discover its cliff-top villages...Climb up to Odysseus Elytis theater to marvel at a breathtaking view to the island and the endless Aegean sea... Watch the sun sink towards the horizon from Panagia Gremiotissa church… Visit Homer’s grave, one of the most significant historical monuments of Ios… Ios Greece is a multidimensional destination!

As for Ios beaches, head to Mylopotas beach, Gialos beach and Manganari beach to have a taste of Ios beach party scene. Agia Theodoti beach, Koumpara beach, and Psathi beach will reward you with serenity and virgin natural landscapes! 

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Santorini Photo Tour 1h / 2h 
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Santorini Wedding Photo Shooting 

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長禮服聖島旅拍 Red dress photo shooting
1h / 2h

All photos by Toto Kuo

Wedding Photography / Santorini Photo Tour
歐洲婚紗  / 蜜月側拍 / 聖托里尼旅拍 

email : toto11046179@gmail.com
WeChat ID : totokuophoto
Line ID : toto1104
