跟著攝影師 Toto Kuo 遊可愛愛琴海希臘小島 | 福萊甘茲羅斯島 Folegandros | The best nude beach in Greek islands
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#距離聖托里尼搭船只需一小時|每天 8 am 和 9 pm 兩班船
No refreshments - bring in your own water and food for the day. And, because of its location, the beach has a relatively short "sun window", especially at either end of the season. Not such a bad thing as you hike out at the end of the day.
Best beach of the island, accessible by foot (20 min walk once you park the car or the motorbike on the end of the road) It isn't easy to reach on foot, the short boat trip from Karavostasis, going every hour, 10 euro per person.
Ideal for good swimmers. Beautiful crystal clear water

Special tiny beach. You need to come early to find a place to sit but it is still special. The water is crystal clear on a day when the winds come from the other side of the island. Make sure to check the winds before you make the trek to come here because if it is windy it will be filled with seaweed. :)
Better than the two beaches on either side. Far better secluded and easier swimming. Just a quick 6 minute hike up the stairs and around the corner from the bus stop at agali. Plus there's a massage studio!
You have to walk a bit in order to get there but it will not disappoint. Believe me ! Very small, private, rocky and turquoise - it was like a dream. PS - it has these beautiful big rocks in the middle of the sea where you should lay and look up - high rocky mountains are surrounding you - yes, wild and free is the feeling.
Just a few trees to shade. You can also pay 5 euro to take the boat to get there from Agali beach.
7.Church of Panagia (Virgin Mary) Folegandros
The view from the church on the whole island is superb ! The inside of the small church is cute too.
Steep walk by the cliffs but worth it for the views. Plan at least 15 minutes to get to the top. Bring some snacks/drinks and watch the sunset.

8. On the road
Santorini Wedding Photo Shooting
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